Featured Artists’ Reception Friday, Dec. 5th, 7pm to 9pm More than 30 glass artists from the San Jose Glass Artist Alliance (SJGAA) will exhibit their one-of-a-kind glass ornaments in a mammoth art installation at the 1st Annual Glass Ornament Show held at Kaleid Gallery. Hundreds of delicate, hand blown glass ornaments arrayed in every color, shape, and size will be available for purchase by the public (ornaments are priced between $10-$75.) Each ornament will reflect the artistic signature of the individual creators. The installation will include Venetian-style blown ornaments, intricate glass snowflakes, hand sculpted glass snowmen, gingerbread men, angels, beveled stain glass, and more. SJGAA will also be displaying and selling vases, small sculptures, and jewelry. This opening night reception will feature holiday tunes sung by selected quartets and small groups from the internationally acclaimed Mission Valley Chorus and Bay Area Showcase. Proceeds will go towards the San Jose Glass…